"It takes a Village."

About Me


About Me!

Hi there! Welcome!

I'm Nicole, a local Northern Virginian who has an absolute passion for new mothers and new babies. I became a doula back in 2017 after almost 8 years of being a long term nanny to a few wonderful families.

Supporting families is all I've ever known in my career. Being a former nanny showed me just how desperate of a need there was, for serious postpartum support. Not only for new mothers, but overwhelmed seasoned mothers too! So, a new passion was lite inside of me, and down the rabbit hole into birth-work I went!

I like to think of myself as a Master Swaddler, and a semi decent cook. I fold laundry like no other, and love helping pumping/ bottle feeding moms get an organized system together to keep track of all their supplies. Ever consider cloth diapers? Someone get me on my soapbox and let me show you how easy, money saving, and cute those little tushies can be! My other favorite thing is baby wearing! Allow me show you all the cool baby wraps that are available and what I think you and your baby would be most comfortable in together!

When I'm not being a doula, I work part time in inpatient pediatrics at a local INOVA hospital. I've been there for 6 years and love it. Being able to mesh both my holistic doula knowledge as well as my medical and clinical knowledge has been super beneficial to my practice. I love bringing this knowledge to families. Consistently working in inpatient has helped me stay on top of maintaining my certifications and the most up to date knowledge in both pediatrics, safe sleep, and feeding recommendations by AAP.

On the weekends you'll find me probably hanging out with my 4 year old and husband. We relax together as a family, and are usually caught hanging out in Old Town Manassas, or at the Farmers Market. Supporting small businesses is super important to us! When we're home we love to listen to music, read, do puzzles and play with our cat, Eleanor.